Meet The

The Z-Team is two birds, a Raven named Ziggy and a Dove named Zippy, who fly to different Bible stories and share what they see from a birds-eye view while teaching educational lessons.

These bird characters are in a series of childrens books/PDF's that Laura has written. These sets include, ABC Flashcards, Teach to Read, and Parts of Speech.

The ABC Flashcards is a set of cards with a letter on it, a picture, a Bible verse, a Bible story, and comments from the famous Z-Team. 

The Teach to Read set is currently being illustrated and will be updated. This set is designed to take a child who knows the basic phonics of words but not yet reading to reading independently. It is a 23 book/PDF series. The books start off as dual readers where the child/parent read untill the child is reading more and independently.

The Parts of Speech set is a 4 book set, nouns, pronouns, verbs, direct objects, indirect objects, adjectives, and diagramming. Each book has five lessons with a Bible story and activity.

Each of the sets come in a Facebook group where you can access them at anytime and are perfect for families with multiple children, Each book, except the ABC Flashcards,  come with a pre-recorded video/lesson to watch before doing the reading and activity.

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The Team Behind The Z-Team

At the beginning of 2023 I noticed how many moms where struggling to  find good material to teach their children. I found parents want Bible-based materials with a recorded lesson for children to learn but also some hands-on materials that is fun and keeping their interest, and at the same time be able to use for multiple children as a way to save money in the future. 

God led me to writing the set of Z-Team Language Arts Adventure books as a way to help and serve families who are wanting to teach their children at home

If you have another idea for a book by the Z-Team then please email Laura.

Add a description here.


Hello. I'm Laura! I live in eastern PA with my husband, three young children, and a cat. I have my degree in education and have worked as a Special Education Elementary Teacher but have been home, teaching my three kids during their preschool years. I now teach/coach other moms in not only how to teach their children but how to have a closer walk with God while reaching their goals and being the person God wants them to be and they want to be. I love helping moms every day and am blessed to also do what God has called me to do. I hope you enjoy reading the books by the Z-Team! 


Hello, I’m Andrea! I live in central PA with my husband, two teens, dog and hamster. I work in elementary education as a para educator and absolutely love my job! I also love creating art! Drawing, painting and photography are some of the mediums I enjoy. Within the last year, out of the blue, I was approached about illustrating a book. Ever since then, there have been several more projects unexpectedly pop up. I feel so blessed to do something I don’t feel is work and can really see God’s hand in this new beginning. I will always give God thanks for the talents and gifts he has given.